I would like the ability to use the Custom Page Template in a Dictionary Picture Book

We are in the beginning stages of planning a Bloom presentation at a literacy workshop. One of the products that the literacy team is very interested is a picture dictionary book. Bloom’s picture dictionary template is exactly like what they have produced in other word processor apps in the past, so they are very interested in it. The one thing, that I can tell, which bloom cannot recreate is the table index of words that they have in the front. It’s a simple list of words in four columns, with the vernacular words in the first column and relevant language translations in the other columns. It looks like a fairly simple page of four text columns beneath a header text box. I can easily create the page in a custom page if it could be added to the list of available pages in a picture dictionary book.

This feature would be useful for the literacy teams in South Asia too.

Hi Scott

I can easily create the page in a custom page if it could be added to the list of available pages in a picture dictionary book.

You can create you own template book with this page, using the “Template Starter”. Give that book to people as a bloom pack. Now in any book, including ones started from the Picture Dictionary template, if they click “Add Page”, your custom page will show up as a choice.

Once everyone is happy with that page, go ahead and send it to us and we can make it part of the Picture Dictionary template.

Thank you John, I’ve never used the Template Starter option
before. We’ll see how it goes.

Thank you John, I was able to make the Word Index page in the
template starter that matched the example they gave me. And then
was able to see it in the ‘My Template’ section of page options.
The workshop itself is not till early October. When that’s done,
and after it’s been tweaked to their liking, I’ll send it to you.
