Hyperlinks in Bloom books

Within our Bloom books, Is it possible for us to put a weblink for a Google Form which the user can click so that the user can give us his name and email address so that we can have that on file so that we can send people like that (people who give us their contact information) emails with future bloom books?

This feature request also relates to Hyperlinks in ePubs

The original post mentioned adding links in ePUBs, but it could be useful for books that are published to Bloom Reader also.

@Craig_S mentions linking to a Google Form, but it could be relevant for linking to a website, video etc. If linking to a Google Form, it would need to be a form that the book-creator makes themselves, to allow for customisation - and ensure the responses go to the right person.

(I don’t have any votes left, so please take this response as a vote!)

yes this would help a lot

This has now shipped in Bloom 4.6 beta.