Highlight Talking Books phrase by phrase

We would love to see the ability to highlight ‘Talking Books’ phrase by phrase instead of sentence by sentence.
What we mean by that is, being able to record up to the comma instead of the whole sentence at once.
We think this would increase the literacy value of highlighting very much.

On behalf of the SIL-PNG Education for Life team;


I would also like to have this feature. In the mean time, I use line breaks when I really want to break up a long sentence in order to highlight shorter sections. But this is probably not really the best solution long-term.

We would also benefit from having the option to highlight the text by phrase (using commas, for example)!

@collensea1 In the “Record whole text box mode”, you can insert “|” characters where ever you want to break up the text. Then when you click the “Split” button, the text will be segmented at that point:


(If you’re in record-by-sentence mode, this manual segmenting also works, but then you have to record by even small segments. So it’s not very useful.)

In Bloom 5.4, you have to remove these yourself after splitting. In 5.5, they are automatically hidden except when the Talking Book tool is active. If you need that right now, we can set you up with it. Otherwise, we will release 5.5 as the next beta in a few weeks.

Somehow I missed about the vertical line in the Help for Splitting recordings! It’s just what I need – thank you! It’s only for one book at the moment, so I can remove the lines myself for now but will look forward to 5.5! :star_struck:

If you are interested in testing this segment marker feature in Bloom 5.5 this week, please let me know.

Hi John,

We all love the UI. Looks very good and it’s great that the pipe button has a good explanation.

In EFL, we have all grown accustomed to replacing spaces with pipes, instead of adding pipes to spaces, because it doesn’t change how the text brakes. See image.

I know it’s no big deal, since closing the talking book tool will display the text the way it should, but I can imagine when you’re trying to make the textbox fit your text, it might be nicer to see the text layout not change because of pipes.

Hi John, I didn’t see this until today. Although I’m able to wait until 5.5 comes out, I’d love to test it out if that’s still possible!