Freezing all the time

I am an avid user of Saymore, but in a recent project that I am working on, the program freezes suddenly extremely often (like every couple of minutes). I’m not finding any rhyme or reason to it at all. (I’m still trying to manually adjust an automatic segmentation.) I use the latest version of the program on my 64-bit machine running Windows 11 Pro.

Sounds like a similar problem reported by another user (MatthewM). His project was stored on a shared drive (OneDrive), which we’ve sometimes seen as the cause of problems. Also, his memory utilization was hitting around 90%, so I theorized that maybe he was occasionally running out of memory. It’s also possible there is a real, fundamental issue in SayMore, but there hasn’t been a new version in a while (I’m working on it!), and there haven’t been a lot of users reporting this problem.

Thanks so much for the reply … and for the idea. It may be related to OneDrive … something that I don’t entirely understand how to control … so I will work on that. I also reinstalled (repaired) the program (a couple of times, actually) to see if there was some issue there, and it seemed like the frequency of freezes went down considerably, but the problem was not entirely solved. (It had been at the level of intolerable — and I had never experienced that before.) I’ll check on the OneDrive issue. (This is a great program! I do wish there was some way to more quickly get to the last place I was working after a freeze. But, oh well.)

I have paused OneDrive for 24 hours and have had better progress. But SayMore has still frozen twice in twenty minutes — better than before, but unlike what used to be my experience (no freezes).

Hi Steve,
Sorry about the freezes. In addition to the cloud-storage (e.g. OneDrive) interference problem, you might be getting interference from anti-malware.

  • reinstalling saymore is not going to help, you can stop doing that if you are tempted :slight_smile:
  • stop any non-microsoft anti-virus products (this our advice for SILers unless you’re in some unusual situation where your local IT people override our advice because of local conditions)
  • temporarily pause the Windows anti-virus system (now “Windows Security: Virus & Threat Protection”) to see if that helps.

If pausing Windows Defender does help then un-pause it and try more permanent solutions:

  • tell Windows Security to exclude the saymore.exe
  • tell Windows Security to exclude the folder where your data lives

Another idea: glance at your computer’s RAM usage while you’re using Saymore (Task Manager). Ensure that it looks reasonable.

I don’t know if this will help, but those are the things that occur to me.

– John