Entry formatting problems

I’m trying to track down some entry formatting problems in DAB. I have exported my database from FieldWorks as an XHTML file, and one entry appears like this:

When I build the app, the entry appears like this:

There is an extra line break appearing after the sense numbers.

Well, I waded into the code, and found the HTML code that the app is presenting on the screen. I exported that code and put it into an .html file, which can be found in this .zip file:
entry.zip (8.4 KB)

If you extract that .html file and open it in a browser, you get the layout shown above, with the extra line breaks after the sense numbers. But if I open up the Web Developer Tools and look at the data and css styles, I don’t see anything that should be pushing the rest of that sense onto the next line.

Can someone else take a look and see if you can see why it’s doing that? A difference between XHTML and HTML?!


Hi Jeff

This is the offending CSS:

.entry> .senses > .sensecontent > .sense> .definitionorgloss {
     display: block; 

on this span:
<span class="definitionorgloss"><span lang="fr">Coutume</span></span>

If you remove that CSS rule, it looks right.

Thanks, Daniel, for finding that. I don’t know why I didn’t see that before, as it’s quite obvious now. A good opportunity to exercise humility… :slight_smile:

It looks like that CSS rule is not found in the XHTML that is exported from FieldWorks, so now I just need to figure out where in the DAB code that it is adding that extra rule.

Thanks for your help!