DAB doesn't open XHTML files

DAB is supposed to open both LIFT and XHTML files but the dialogue box for Lexicon Source only shows LIFT and doesn’t show the XHTML files which are there present in the same directory. Even if I paste in the name of the XHTML file which is there, it is ignored. I have DAB 12.4 running on both Mac and PC. It’s the same on both platforms. Am I missing something? How can I get DAB to open an XHTML file? I’m talking about files exported from Flex (v 9.1.25), not just any file. It works with LIFT, but I want to access the better formatting options I hear are available with XHTML. Thanks. Willie Kinnaird

Twenty minutes later. It seems that it has in fact imported the XHTML file whose name I pasted in the dialogue box, but it’s still saying it’s a LIFT file. Under Original Source it has my XHTML file but under File Format it says LIFT.
Building the app (using iOS Simulator) seems to work but the resulting app is just blank.

We’ve just had a workshop where a lot of people have built XHTML and LIFT apps, and haven’t had that problem. When exporting XHTML from FieldWorks 9.2.5 beta, it has an extra property which confuses DAB and produces a working app (but not one you would want to publish, with the extra garbage in the lexeme). That problem is described here: https://groups.google.com/g/flex-list/c/s9OFlYGurQU.


Hi Jeff,

That’s interesting and worth noting for when I upgrade to Flex 9.2. It’s nice to hear that no one else has had this issue, but it doesn’t address my particular problem with 9.1. I can’t just unilaterally upgrade, as it has to be done in coordination with my co-workers, who are thousands of miles away, and far away from each other too.

When you are at Lexicon Source and you click on the “Update from other source…” button, does it show you both LIFT and XHTML files? For me it only shows LIFT. As I explained, I can force it to accept an XHTML file, but then it seems to get lost during the build and produces an app which is completely blank.

Hi Willie,

I just had a look on my DAB (12.4) and it only gives the option to import XHTML. We have encountered problems building apps after using “Update from Other Source…” so we avoid using it.


Just to give a second opinion, yes, there are some problems with “Update from other source…”, and sometimes even “Update from source…”. It somehow isn’t able to reconcile the data it already has in the project with the new data it is loading, and you often end up with problems.

So I would strongly recommend NOT using “Update from other source…”, and if you use “Update from source…” make sure you test the new project right away, and if it gives you problems, you should start with a new project.

There aren’t a lot of parameters in DAB (a lot less than SAB), so I generally find that it is not too difficult to just start a project from scratch. You might want to note a few of your parameters before you start the process. (Or open a copy of the .appDef file, so you can search through it for the required parameters, if you are of a technical bent.)
