Convert msklc keyboards

A number of years ago I created two keyboards for a linguist colleague using MSKLC. She recently upgraded her computer and is getting a message from Windows 10 that it only runs Microsoft-verified apps (despite the fact that MSKLC is an MS app… [sigh]). I’ve never used Keyman, but I’m wondering how hard it would be to create new keyboards for her? The keystrokes she uses for Language A are:

  • `e → ë
  • `o → ö
  • ~E → Ë (hold Shift for both keystrokes)
  • ~O → Ö (hold Shift for both keystrokes)
  • =e → ē
  • =o → ō
  • +E → Ē (hold Shift for both keystrokes)
  • +O → Ō (hold Shift for both keystrokes)
  • CTRL+RightALT+m → m̄
  • CTRL+RightALT+n → n̄

and for the second:

  • CTRL+Right ALT+m/M for m̃/M̃
  • CTRL+Right ALT+p/P for p̃/P̃

Thanks for any help!

Hi Paul,
It sounds like her computer is in “S” Mode, where it only allows apps from the Microsoft Store. This is similar to the way an iPhone only installs apps from the store. Unlike the Apple app store, the problem is that there are almost no legitimate apps on the Microsoft store that one would reasonably want. So, S mode is something that is usually quickly abandoned.

Unless Keyman is hiding in the Microsoft Store (I don’t see it), you’ll need to turn off S Mode on her computer to install either MSK or Keyman, so switching keyboard managers won’t solve the problem.

If Windows is NOT in S-mode and is simply protecting you from a file it doesn’t recognize, you may be able to click deeper and allow the install anyway.

To answer your first question, the good news is that Keyman can directly import MSKLC keyboards and turn them into Keyman keyboards. I’m sure someone else can point you to that area of the documentation, as I remember it being non-obvious (to me) to trigger that import.

Thanks Matthew. That was helpful – I’ll pass it along.

To import a MSKLC keyboard, you first need to install it on the computer with Keyman Developer. Then, in Keyman Developer, click Project/New Project, and select Import Windows Keyboard.

I recently gave a presentation with a bit more detail; I’ve published the slides from the presentation here: MSKLC to Keyman migration

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