Can't type IPA, Greek, or Hebrow anymore

Windows 11
Keyman v. 17.0.333

Keyman has been working fine for me for years. Now it is not.

I have the following keyboards installed:

  • English
  • grc-Grk-GR
  • hbo-Hebr-IL
  • und-Latn (this is the IPA font)

I can select any one of these from the taskbar, or by using the [WINDOWS] + [SPACE] keys.

I can type only in English no matter what keyboard I have selected. I have tried typing in Notepad, LibreOffice Writer, and Google Docs.

This has been going on for at least two days now.

Welcome back to the community site @steve_miller,

Iā€™m sorry to hear about this. Can you send us the diagnostic report and make sure that Keyman is running?

Also, have you tried uninstall and reinstall Keyman again?


The latest version of Keyman came yesterday, and I installed that. Keyman started working again then. It is also working today after normal bootup. Apparently someone fixed the problem. :slight_smile:

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