Cannot find Keyboard Package

I am attempting to run Keyman Desktop on a LG Gram laptop using Windows 11. I have used Keyman for many years on other PCs but I cannot get it to run on this one. I have tried to install Keyman three or four times without success.

I choose the following keyboard: Galaxie Greek/Hebrew (Mnemonic) Keyboard Package. The install page loads and immediately displays this message:

Since I don’t know what else to do I click off this warning message and click on the green install button anyway. I save the download file to my laptop. The Installing Keyman instruction page says, “The name of the file begins with ‘keyman-’ and ends with ‘.exe’.” However, the file I have received is:
I doesn’t end with .exe, but oh well.
I open the setup file and it appears to be installing Keyman. When installation finishes, I get the Keyman open screen:

I looks like my Greek and Hebrew keyboards are ready to go. But when I click on Start Keyman, the open screen completely disappears and nothing else starts.
I checked the task manager. Keyman is not running as an active App, but it does appear in the list of Background Processes.
When I check the list of language keyboards at the bottom right hand of my task bar it shows English and Hebrew, but no Greek.
Obviously, something has messed up.

Can I get any help on this?

I think I may have figured out how to resolve the issue. I decided to try downloading Hebrew and Greek separately, first one, then the other. Both loaded and appear to be working properly. There must be some problem somewhere with the Hebrew/Greek package.

Welcome to our community @jpjones,

Thank you for providing us with your latest updates! Were there other error messages indicating the underlying issue?

I am not experiencing this issue at the moment with keyboard package installation with Keyman for Windows downloaded and before Keyman is downloaded.

It could be the unsuccessful attempts of installing Keyman leading up to having Keyman running as one in the list of Background Processes but not as an active app.

If this happen again, please let us know and make sure to follow the guides carefully. Restart the pc if necessarily.

  1. How To - Download and Install a Keyman Keyboard
  2. How To - Download and Install Keyman

As for the message display, I have reported the bug for further investigation. Please follow our progress here.

There were no other error messages than the one I posted. After several unsuccessful attempts to install, I did find and carefully follow the instructions you refer me to. The result was the same–that which I posted initially. But installing the Grk and Heb keyboards separately has resolved the issue for me. I am much relieved to have access to these easy-to-use keyboards once again.

Thanks @jpjones! Glad to hear the solution to this.

Please don’t hesitate to open a new topic on a new issue, or if this issue reoccurs.

Tracking the initial error message at bug: `Galaxie Greek/Hebrew (Mnemonic) Keyboard Package keyboard` page shows "Not Found .js file" · Issue #525 · keymanapp/ · GitHub