Bloom Reader App Plans and Progress

It’s not a video (yet!), but I did create a document with some screenshots using the Beta version.

I need to update the section about transferring through USB cable.

Can we please go for a professionally made video, like the ‘Why Bloom’ video that was made a while ago?! If we need to present Bloom and Bloom Reader to our partners, it just doesn’t work to bring our kitchen table video.

I’ll contribute to the cost :slight_smile:

A professionally made video would be good - we just need to find someone to create it.

I created the document with screenshots as I had people asking about the process and there was nothing I could send them.

It’s great to see that Bloom 4.0.1 release version is available now and the Bloom Reader release version on Google Play too.

What is the earliest Android version that the Bloom Reader will run on? We had a participant in a workshop last week with an older Android phone that didn’t seem to be able to find the Bloom Reader in the App store.

Bloom Reader will run on Android 4.4 and higher.

The Bloom Reader app is great and broadcasting via wifi is so convenient. But is it possible to host the Bloom Reader .apk file on the Bloom Download page? Android devises sold in China do not contain the Google Play app and usually in cannot be installed on a devise sold without it. (Also and the Google Play site itself is blocked here.)

But is it possible to host the Bloom Reader .apk file on the Bloom Download page?

Yup, we can do that; it will have to be automated so that the version is always the newest release. I’ve put that on our TODO list here.

While waiting, you can go here to get it right off our build server. You’ll need to click the “login as guest” button. Note, this isn’t always exactly the same as what’s on the Play Store, will at times be a bit ahead. Let us know if could work with a native speaker to translate the Bloom Reader UI into Chinese (BR has only 241 words at this point).

You can now download the apk directly from our website at

Are there plans to release an iOS version of the Bloom Reader? I keep running into the an issue - 90% of the population has Android phones. Denominational leaders and pastors with influence tend to have iPhones. They aren’t interested in things they can’t install on their phones. They nix good ideas if they can’t use them on their own phones.

At this point, we don’t have the programming resources to bring Bloom Reader to ios. It would be good to have a feature request where we can at least collect up good reasons like yours; that community leaders are more likely than normal folks to have ios devices.

I’d love to leave a feature request for this, or vote on it if someone else has suggested it. But after scouring the old site, which is closed to new suggestions, I don’t know where to post the idea, except here. Have I done the right thing by posting it here? Or is there somewhere else to post the idea?

I don’t know where to post the idea,

Just follow the blue link in my reply :slight_smile:

Thanks for making the APK available on the site for those of us who can’t use Google Play.
For the future, it would be great to have features within the app to:

  1. Check for updates (since Google Play is not managing updates for me)
  2. Share the apps’ APK (e.g. via bluetooth) so that one user can pass it to another without needing the internet or needing to navigate English-medium web pages.
    Thank you!

@ECJohnson - I’ll leave one of the developers to respond about #1 (check for updates). I assume you mean "check for updates to the Bloom Reader App).
Re #2. Within the Bloom Reader, there is already an option to Share the Bloom Reader app.

Then click the Share option on the next screen.

You can then choose which method to use (e.g. Bluetooth, ShareIt, Email etc) to share the Bloom Reader App.
I did this during a workshop where we didn’t have internet access.

Thanks, Liz! Re: #2, I think I knew this before, somehow I forgot and didn’t notice it this time. Getting old!

Please submit the Check for updates idea as a new feature request.
