Bloom book with audio and highlighting into RAB/SAB app?

I am wondering if anyone’s had success with taking a Bloom book that has audio and highlighting and putting into RAB or SAB and making it into its own app?

We have a particularly large book that takes a really long time to open in Bloom Reader and I am trying to do this but the highlighting doesn’t seem to be coming along. Any advice?

Hi kklcclkk,

We have a particularly large book that takes a really long time to open in Bloom Reader and I am trying to do this but the highlighting doesn’t seem to be coming along. Any advice?

We’d love to look at it and figure out how to speed things up. If it’s already on, or if you can you report it from Bloom, that’s easiest. If it’s so big that there’s a problem reporting that way, maybe you can share it with the team via some cloud service?

– John

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Thank you for your help and work on this!

By way of follow-up: we’ve updated Bloom Player to fix this problem. That fix will eventually be integrated into a new RAB release; this update will speed things up.

Also of interest:

  • Bloom Reader depends on an Android component called “Android System WebView”. Users should keep that component updated for optimal results. Latest update (Apr 26, 2022) claims there are “Bug fixes and speedy performance improvements”.
  • A future improvement to Bloom Player will automatically detect if Android System WebView needs updating.
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